Peace Corps Frined
I have been talking with a friend of mine that is American, his name is Satch and is member of the peace corps of US. He lives in my...
Week 13
For Tuesday we should make an outline related with the cultures that we learned in class, and also we should pick a topic of 3 different...
Week 12
We started selecting the best second writing for the e-magazine, fortunately in my group I won. Next we started again with the rest of...
Week 11
Floria took us to Rio Torres River to watch how the organization call “Amigos del Rio Torres” had pointed the bridge and how they put...
Week 10
Classes have been very interesting for me, especially with this new project about open our minds. In class we have been discussing how...
Week 9
In this week we started third project of English classes, I love this project, because it’s remained us to open our minds and started...

Week 7
This week was amazing, we continue making the campaign to raise awareness in Ulacit students. Bernal and I started to though in an idea...
Week 6
On class the teacher always promotes discussion and critical thinking, in this week we were discussing about garbage because we were...
Week 5
We started the week practicing the reported speech, Floria advices us to check the bibliography on blackboard because in there we can...

Week 4
In week four we make the presentations of risks. I’ve read a lot of Marl Zuckerberg, the SEO and founder of Facebook, so I make my...