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Week 5

We started the week practicing the reported speech, Floria advices us to check the bibliography on blackboard because in there we can find a lot of practices to improve our language. We make a little practice in couples in which we talk only using reported speech and, at the same time make a practice that is on the blackboard. We review the conditionals again, especially the third one. We started the new project related with the environment, focused on the use of plastic and how this is one of the worst contaminators in the world.

On Thursday we picked the best writing, actually I am not agree with the fact that your partners choose the best writing, my partners weren’t reading consciously for picking the best one. One of them only read like a paragraph of one and said like “I choose this one” and, that was all, so I am not agree with that. We practice the use of And, Or and But and, how use it correctly in the sentences. We improve our English practicing the Verbs tense.

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