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Project 4 was a really interesting project. For all the history we as humans have had to pass a lot of problems and adversities. Some people have overcome that adversities and go forward no matter what. Some other people doesn’t overcome the adversities and fail in their lives.

For given an example on hoe has overcome so many adversities is Nick Vujicic. Nick is a guy how born without arms and legs, just imagine how difficult can be that. Apart of that he had a lot of problems in his life. In childhood, other kids bully him. In Australia he couldn’t study with the in a normal school, even if he is good mentally. Also when he was young, he had a lot of problems in love, studies and other stuff. He even try to commit suicide once but he fail.

It doesn’t matter witch adversity you are crossing, the only thing that matters is how you are going to overcome that.

This project really helps me to motivate myself and to learn more English.

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