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Project three was related with the environment. In my group we talk about the plastic contamination, for me this is one of the most interesting and alarming in the present world. The contamination of the word is increasing day by day and we must do something.

Plastic consumption is one of the more dangerous products that litter the environment. Plastic products can cause some diseases like, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and liver problems. We could die if we continue using a lot of plastic. Do you know how many plastic bottles a normal family uses? 3500 bottles per year! People used to drink water from rivers, now a days, because of plastic and contamination, we can’t. 95% of all the bottles that we use, goes and end in the environmental. Most of the plastic bottles end on the ocean and a big quantity of them conform the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is an island of garbage located between United States and Asia.

This is only some little information about plastic, and there also exist a lot of ore contaminants. Tis project is very useful because it raise awareness in our classmates in a lot of topics.

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