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Week 13

For Tuesday we should make an outline related with the cultures that we learned in class, and also we should pick a topic of 3 different topics that the teacher gave to us. I choose the ones that was related on how studying the cultures help us to understand all the cultures. It is funny because sometimes it seems to be a bad question but the word “understand” is completely different to say only study. It is important to analyze who this topic help us to understand more the other cultures and open our mind.

Checking e-magazines help us to improve our English in a very highly way. On Thursday we checked our classmates essays, we should check at least 3 writings. In the process of checking I noticed that some of my partners put so much effort on the writing but, at the same time I checked one that it really us like made with google translate. If we are I the university we should make thing at the university level not only for finish a work.

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