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Week 6

On class the teacher always promotes discussion and critical thinking, in this week we were discussing about garbage because we were working on the project called Great Pacific garbage patch. When we started this project the first objective of the teacher was raise awareness on the pollution in progress over the Earth. She explained us, how we are contaminating the planet more and more and how in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is literally a garbage island.

We concentrated the project in plastic, every product related that has plastic or has been made of plastic, is incredible how much of the products we consume are made of plastic. Something that really called my attention was when the teacher stand up after break and start collecting every bottle or every garbage that we, a class of 15 students, produce in only 20 minutes. In week 6 we started planning a little but at the same time enormous campaign. In it we should have a partner to work, I did it with Bernal, and we planned our own objectives and a script in which we wrote every word that we were going to said to the people.

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