Week 4
In week four we make the presentations of risks. I’ve read a lot of Marl Zuckerberg, the SEO and founder of Facebook, so I make my presentation of the risk that he took. On Tuesday class we dedicate only to present our expositions to the class, people talk about sports, decisions they have made in their life, etc. I enjoy hearing people talk! Some classmates have an increased level in English than others. In this day I present my topic as the last one in the class, and I think that I do it well.
On Thursday only like one or three classmates exposed. We start to choose which one of the people that design the title page, was going to be the chosen to publish that front page as the e-magazine of our group. Fortunately I won, the name of the magazine is going to be “US”, because we talk about the humans. The teacher also assigned a homework in which we have to make an outline and the writing with that outline talking about anything related to humanities. The teacher explain a little bit of phonetic.