Oral presentation 1
Here I made a presentation of my goals. As an Advertising major I have dreams that I want to achieve in the future related with my major....
Translating songs
Translate is very useful for improving the level of English, in my case I like to translate the music that I listen. For me is important...
Video Games
Playing video games is one of my passions in life. As a normal week for me, I played video games like 4 hours in total, sometimes less or...
Essay 2: What are my plans for the future?
It was 18 years ago when in March 20 of 1997 I was born in Costa Rica, exactly in Grecia. I grew up in a nuclear family with my parents...
Essay 1: What do you do outside of school and work? Describe any hobbies you have, sports you partic
Before a hold process of searching what I was going to study I ended up here, at ULACIT. Nowadays I am studying advertising and I think I...
As an advertisement student, I have to learn how to use some programs related with the major, such as the Adobe programs like Photoshop...
A lot of activities that I do in a day, help me to improve my English, However I certainly believe that watching YouTube blogs are the...

One of these days I started watching a movie in English but with subtitles in Spanish, half an hour later I realize that I wasn’t reading...
Durante el segundo cuatrimestre del presente año, en Costa Rica, una “misteriosa” y nueva marca se da a conocer con diferentes vallas...
¿Publicidad engañosa o no?
En algún momento de nuestra vida, pero en algún momento, nos toparemos con publicidad engañosa, o por lo menos así le dice la gente. ¿Qué...