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Essay 2: What are my plans for the future?

It was 18 years ago when in March 20 of 1997 I was born in Costa Rica, exactly in Grecia. I grew up in a nuclear family with my parents and three older brothers. Like everyone in this world I have passions, but not like all the people I have a lot, drums, editing video, playing video games, traveling, recording, taking pictures and going out are someone’s of that passions. In my two last year of High School I realize that life is something really important and that we should live it with happiness and being confident in ourselves. Also in the last year of high school I start to love editing and recording video and that takes me here, studying advertising in the ULACIT.

I believe that you should do in your life what you love to do,, from being doctor, to make videos for YouTube, everyone is different and depending if you work hard and believe in what you want, you will have it or not. Like normal people, I have dreams and goals in life. This essay is focus on what are that dreams, because those are my plans for my future.

What I want for my future? Is a question that most of the people ask to themselves when they are young with their whole life’s to live. I will try to resume that complex question in only 2 pages in which I explain what I want.

The first fact and the one that I think that it is the most important is to be happy. Happiness is something that everyone have their own definitions, for me happiness are four things, God, Good person, Family, health.

God is really important for me, since I grew up I am Christian. I can affirm that God gives me peace and it make me a better person and here is where the other point comes in. Being a good person is not only not lying or things like that. For me a good person is the ones that help for charity, it is patient, have love in their hearth, help the people and the ones who has a good relationship with their family and etc. Family is one of my pillars in life, it is the people that since the moment you born, they give you love, and are the ones that always are going to be with you. Being healthy is for me really important, this point is relative because it doesn’t means that if I am not healthy I am not going to be happy. My first point is happiness, but unfortunately we have to work and maintain ourselves.

Related with my major I have plans and goals to my future. I am studying advertising in ULACIT University and right now I am taking 8 courses and sometimes it is difficult but I know that I can care with all of them. When I started in the University I decided that I would graduate with honors. Right now I am in the middle of my major and just one final grade is under 90, I am sure that I can keep like that. In not a long future I want to work in an advertising Agency in which I can improve my knowledge and grow up like an advertisement. Something that is really important for me is to never work only for money. I want to work in something that I can feel comfortable, of course that if I am having financial troubles or something related I am going to work in anything.

In a long future I have too much thing that I have already planned and I am sure that I will make it. One of the first ones is to marry, I believe in true love and in my plans are to have a nice family in which I can feel happy for having them with me. I want to travel around the world and meet new cultures and people. In my travel around the world I want to make so many things, one of them is to do dangerous sports, like skydiving, parachute, scuba diving, street luging, Skiing and Rafting.

In my travel I also want to record everything because I love to make videos, and for me that’s the best way to remember what do you do. In my future I also want to have my own company related with advertising and video, from now I already have the commercial name for it and it will be “essibaja” that is a combination of the beginning of my name with my first last name.

The future is something that we are not sure if it is going to append or not, but however I think that it is important to dram and to have goals that motivate you to fight for what you want. For concluding this essay I want to explain that I have to many thing that I want to do in the future like: race cars, buying a Ferrari and thigs that are more materials but I did not mentioned because it is not something in which I depend for being happy.

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