Thinking in english
I realize a new way to improve my English that it is very easy to do and no so difficult to apply. Thinking in English, as humans that we...
I downloaded an application call duolingo. It is very interesting, powerful and helpful, it helps you to improve your English doing many...
Talking with my Brother
Taking with my Brother is another way in which I improve my level of English. My brother Daniel is 21 years old and he is an Industrial...
In other classes at the ULACIT
In a class in Ulacit, called “strategies and creatives tactics”, we started to study a new topic in which we should read some articles on...

My Blog
A funny fact that is making increase my level of English is madding this blog. First of all I always try to write in a piece of paper and...
Talking with an American
I started practicing more English at home, checking the links that the teacher upload to the web page is really helping me. Singing...
Peace Corps Frined
I have been talking with a friend of mine that is American, his name is Satch and is member of the peace corps of US. He lives in my...
Google Conference
I saw a Google conference called I/O, in which, developers go and present their ideas and projects that are promoted by google. This...