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It was 18 years ago when in March 20 of 1997 I was born in Costa Rica, exactly in Grecia. I grew up in a nuclear family with my parents and three older brothers. Also next to my house, there were my two uncles with their families, so actually I grew up with more than 12 people around me every day.

During my childhood, I used to play thieves and police, also biking with my cousins was an everyday thing. In school I was the president of the students, also one of my best achievements, was to win a PlayStation cup, as the best player in the school. At the age of 12 I traveled to US to visit my relatives and for knowing Disneyland, as the dream of all children. Also since I was a little child, I start falling in love with the drums.

In High School everything changed, it was very difficult to enter in an institution where I didn’t know anyone. With the passing of the years, I became a different person, more extroverted, social, and I start falling in love of drums. Two years later I got signed in a music academy, to learn music and playing the drums. At the age of 16 I started in ten grade in high school, and exactly in that year, the teachers started with a new project, called International Baccalaureate.

In the same year I started to know a beautiful girl call Daniela, now a days, we have 1 year dating. International Baccalaureate was an enormous change in my life, my perspective of the world changed a lot, the way I was, and I became more human in a good way. Over the course of these years, I started to think about my future and what career I was going to study, with a friend of mine called Juan Gabriel I realized that I love recording and video editing, so I wanted to study communication with emphasis on audiovisual and multimedia production. Unfortunately, I didn’t enter to the University of Costa Rica, but on the other hand I earned a scholarship at ULACIT, in which I don’t have to pay anything, only the registration every quarter. I started to study Advertising and now I love it.

In my career I have to take English classes, I am in English 3, so my level of English is between B1 and B2. It is an official language of almost 60 sovereign states. I fill that I improve my level of English every day, in home, at the University, speaking with my friends, etc. I hope that English classes at ULACIT, help me to improve my English.

So this is me and my history in a little summary.

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