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Essay 3: Future inventions

Most if the people think that the future is far from the now, that the computers that you see in the movies like in Iron man are far from now to exist. For me, one of the most innovated inventions is the Artificial Intelligence. A.I is something that I have studied before and I became an expert on this topic so I am going to talk about this as one of the most important inventions of the humanity.

By the 19th and 20th centuries, artificial beings had become a common feature in fiction, as in Frankenstein. Many people start to study A.I. In the 20th century, people like John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, and their students, started to write programs that were, to most people, simply amazing. Computers were winning, solving problems in algebra, proving logical theorems and speaking English.

For people, that doesn’t know much of technology or that never have heard about Artificial Intelligent, is normal to hear, that it is simply a common robot. A.I can be a robot or a computer, even a car, A.I is when a machine can think by itself and also can learn from its mistakes, in the way that they improve themselves, not making the same mistakes. Can you talk with a machine and think its human? That Artificial Intelligence.

How we can prove that something is Artificial Intelligence or not?

Alan Mathison Turing was a British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician, logician, philosopher, and mathematical biologist. He was one of the pioneers in the development of computes science. Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial. Alan create the best way to prove A.I, the Turing test

Turing test is defined as “a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.” Alan Turing proposed that a human evaluator would judge natural language conversations between a human and a machine that is designed to generate human-like responses. Imagine a cube in where inside of it, there is a machine or a compute, that is designed with Artificial Intelligent, in the way that they can think by itself, outside the cube, there is a normal human, that talks with the machine without knowing that inside the cube there is a machine, a third person that is outside evaluating if the conversation is normal as talking with another human, if it is like that, it proves that the machine inside has artificial intelligence, because the other person doesn’t note that he or she were talking with a computer.

Artificial Intelligence has implication to our society. In the positive way, it helps in the development of science and technology, it allows us to create advance devices and advance technology. For education it helps a lot, because we can learn more from a machine that has all the information in the internet. In medical field, also is very helpful, new robots have been develop to make surgeries better than humans. A.I can also affect n a negative way, the robots or machines that has it, are so intelligent that we can certainly confirm that it can be more intelligent than humans, so, it can replace humans in normal tasks like in factory’s, offices, and even teaching anything.

In the present times, we watch a lot of movies of A.I, terminator, exmachina, I robot, Wallie, tracendence, the matrix, blade runner. A lot of this movies represent real fiction, and also a lot of they represent reality that people doesn’t note that it is happened in the present times. We see A.I every day, from intelligent cars that drives itself, virtual assistants in our phones like Siri, and also drones that now a days are use it for filmmaking and war.

To conclude, is important to know what’s is artificial intelligence, because is the future of the technology. A.I is one of the most important inventions from the present that will keep being in the future. A.I is the bases for the future inventions.

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