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In general

English class has been very helpful for me. Firstly, I consider that the teacher really knows how to teach English and this is the most important fact if we want to learn.

First of all, to judge if the classes were good or bad, we should evaluate ourselves. I consider that my behavior in the English class was good, not excellent but I tried to do my best. I think that if I am paying for education I must approach it, that’s why I am the kind of person that likes to participate in every activity that makes me improve my English level.

Another important fact that I should think for evaluating the class is my classmates. At the time that I have very responsible partners and very compromised with the course and with learning English I also have some that weren’t compromised, on the contrary they were irresponsible and lazy.

In the classes we always make projects across the semester. This projects were really interesting because not only helps you to improve your English, also to became a better person with an open mind. All the analysis and the deepness in which we analyze every topic was amazing.

The method that we use in the class was really useful, the activities, the songs, the writings, the questions and everything were really important for making us learn English. Something that call my attention on classes is that I was never bored, I really do not know if it was for the way of teaching or for how interesting was every topic that we studied.

I improve my writing skills, across the semester I made like 4 outlines and 3 writing of this outlines. Answering questions and writing them was really helpful for me, sometimes it is really hard to write our ideas or what we say in a paper, that’s why I think that answering all the questions really helps me.

In general I am sure that this course was really helpful in my English learning process.

Comparing this course with English II and other courses outside the university, I put this one in the first position for the quality of the way of teaching.

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